
Friday, April 30, 2010

nak melancong?ke melencong?

okeh, kali ni entry aku pasal tempat2 menarik around the world. Sebenrnya, tempat2 ni maybe bg penduduk tempatan adalah biasa (ye la, tiap2 hr tgk benda yg sama je), tp bg 'org luar', tempat2 ni sgt istimewa. Aku bkn org agensi pelancongan yg nk bwk korang p tmpat2 ni.he3. Aku sndiri xpnh p pn. Ni sekadar tuk berkongsi gmbr2 yg menarik (bg aku la) n maybe (yes maybe), 1 hari nnt, korang leh la

ni kt India..

Drangme Chhu River, kt Bhutan

ni lak kt Mozambique

pun Mozambique

ni Livingstone River

beautiful kt Baffin Island, Canada

nk beli garam murah, kt Bolivia (ye, kt Malaysia pn dh murah.he3)

nk men tarik2 ni, kena pi Russia ler.he3

ni kt Beagle Channel, South America

kt Chile pn ada penguin..ingt kt zoo negara je.he3

lepak je abg kt Uganda. Kita nk Genting dh bleh tgk scenery ni.

ni air terjun kt Jade Route, South America

kalau korang x gayat, leh 'jalan2' kt South Africa

kalau korang nk men kayak kt tmpt best, leh p kt Lake Clark National Park. Ni bkn kt tasik Kenyir, ni ke Alaska.he3


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

see thru animals

p/s: indah kn? =)


cite zaman dulu

ye, mmg aku sgt free skang. Projek final aku lom stat lg, so ada masa ni aku duk lyn citer je..n update blog ni (even kdg2 aku xtau nk tulis pe). Apa plak kalitan gmbr atas ni??? Ok, gmbr ni kt India, bkn bermaksud aku asal dr sana (ye kulit aku sawo matang.ha3). Korang mst pnh men hjn kn???tipu ah klu xpnh men, tp xtaula kalau2 ada yg xsuka basah (mandi???). Aku teringat masa kau kecik2 dulu (fizikal pn kecik, xmcm skang), aku suka benor men hjn. Xtau la nape, mybe best bila byk air mencurah-curah kt badan, xmcm kt blk mandi umah aku. Rasa sexy (ha3, nmpk sgt tipu). Fine, mmg mak aku mrh bila aku men hjn, ye la nnt aku byk songeh lak time dmm. But mom, i luv u!! (mmg hakikat la tu). Masa aku dl tingkatan 2 xslp, aku men bola at the time hjn yg sgt lebat. Pe lg, smpai maghrib bru reti nk blk umah.he3. Smpai skang, bila je hjn, nk je aku men hjn!!! he3

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010


A huge loop of material shooting up from the sun's surface in March was one of the first events witnessed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. Known as a prominence eruption, the loop was born from a relatively cold cloud of plasma, or charged gas, tenuously tethered to the sun's surface by magnetic forces. Such clouds can erupt dramatically when they break free of the sun's unstable hold.

"We are all living in the outer atmosphere of a star. Its variability influences Earth, the other planets, and the whole solar system," Richard Fisher, NASA's director of heliophysics, said today at a press conference. For example, strong solar eruptions called coronal mass ejections can send bursts of charged particles streaming toward Earth, where they can overload our planet's magnetic shield, knocking out satellite communications and power grids.

Since launching the Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, in February, mission managers have been powering up and calibrating the craft. Today NASA unveiled the first pictures and video taken by the SDO's suite of instruments, which were designed to show the full range of the sun's magnetic activity in unprecedented detail.

Although the Solar Dynamics Observatory isn't the only solar probe in orbit, it is "the most advanced spacecraft ever built to study the sun," said NASA spokesperson Dwayne Brown. Billed as the Hubble of heliophysics, the SDO "will change textbooks," Brown predicts.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Eyjafjallajokull episode 2

xmampu berkata-kata..

bkn salji tu ye..tu debu..

tinggi 6.7 km...

air tu semua asalnya glacier...kena volcanic, cair la dia..


kudaku lari gagah berani..

pakcik ni tgh cr kambing die yg hlg...bkn aku ckp, tp yg bgtau.he3

can u ever imagine this...

ni pd 15 april..subhanallah..

ni plak gmbr pd 17 april..

ni gmbr beberapa hr sblm 2nd eruption.


ni semua gmbr yg aku amik dr blog (credit to them). ni semua gmbr2 gunung berapi kt iceland yg meletup hr tu (aku pn xtau nk pronounce mcm mana) yg menyebabkan debunya cover 1 europe. flight semua batal n barcalona kena naik bas p san siro hari tu (slh 1 sbb kalah kt inter kot, xpnh travel nk bas.he3). papepn gmbr2 ni mengingatkan aku ttg kebesaran Allah SWT..subhanallah..
pye la luas 'coverage' dia..

view from outspace

dr perut bumi..

xslp aku tmpt ni dipenuhi ngan ice..

jln yg terputus hubungan..

Allah Maha Besar..

pye la byk debu dia..


debu yg cover 1 europe..


ni masa muntahkan lahar..
